Whether you suffer from severe anxiety, or experience anxiety from time to time, the effects can be very unpleasant. Sweaty palms, rapid heartbeat, muscle tension, trembling or shaking, nausea, or hot and cold flashes are just some of the things you might experience when your anxiety level is high.

These symptoms can affect your interpersonal relationships, your ability to complete every day tasks, and your ability to work.

If you experience severe anxiety, you should speak to your doctor, and seek the assistance of a trained psychologist, such as the clinicians at McLean Psychology Centre.

It can be helpful, however, to have some strategies for managing your anxiety on your own. Here are a few at-home remedies for anxiety that might work for you.

Take Time to Breathe

When you’re experiencing anxiety, this can seem like the hardest thing to do, but if you can take a few moments and try to take some deep breaths, you will find it helps. Sit down, put your hand on your abdomen, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, holding your breath for 4 or 5 seconds in between. It may be hard at first, but your breath will come easier and you will start to relax.

Watch What You Drink

This is one of the simplest at-home remedies for anxiety: Research has shown that people with anxiety are often caffeine sensitive. This means that limiting yourself to one caffeinated beverage every day can help to keep anxiety levels from being artificially raised. If you enjoy hot drinks as part of your daily routine, try herbal or decaffeinated teas, or drink decaffeinated coffee.

Be careful about your alcohol intake as well. Not only can this have negative side effects if you are taking an anti-anxiety medication, but it can also have a negative effect on your anxiety. Drinking alcohol might make you feel more relaxed for a time, but as the effects wear off, your anxiety can return at a higher level.


An oldie but a goodie – exercise has many proven mental health benefits, and reducing anxiety is definitely one of them. Exercising activates the body’s natural “feel good” mechanisms and can have very positive long-term effects on anxiety.

Cardio not for you? Try some yoga or take a short walk. There are lots of ways to fit exercise into your life.

These are just a few at-home remedies for anxiety available to you, and a trained therapist can help you create coping strategies that will work for your personal situation. McLean Psychology Centre’s skilled clinicians are experts in the treatment of anxiety. If you are experiencing anxiety, the best place to start is with a consultation – book one today.