Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

As with many mental illnesses, Bipolar Disorder is widely misunderstood. In casual conversation, people will often refer to someone who is moody as being “a little Bipolar”, or mock people with lots of energy as being “manic”, or write off someone’s behaviour as being...
4 Common Therapy Myths

4 Common Therapy Myths

There are many misconceptions about mental illness in our society. These misconceptions have turned into harmful stigmas that prevent people seeking help they truly need. People with mental health issues are seen as weak or unstable, when nothing could be farther from...
Can what you eat help fight depression?

Can what you eat help fight depression?

Psychological issues, such as anxiety and depression, are generally considered to be conditions of the mind. Psychologists and psychiatrists have been trained to treat the mind, but in recent years they have begun to look at the role the body plays in mental health...
Understanding Anxiety

Understanding Anxiety

Understanding anxiety can be difficult for those who often simply boil it down to fear. Fear, however, is an unpleasant emotion that derives from a human’s need for self-preservation; it is the emotion that helps us recognize when you are in danger. On the other...